Wednesday 12 February 2014


So I'm sitting at my computer about 10:00 last night, the rain is bucketing down, and I'm putting together a presentation I have to make in the morning. Yeah I know, kind of last minute.  And I was really regretting my penchant for procrastination because I had a massive headache and all I really wanted to do was lie down and relieve the pain in my neck.  See I'd been painting the walls and should have stopped well before I'd spent seven hours going up and down the ladder, cricking my neck to make sure the line against the ceiling was just right.

So anyway, I'm typing away and I hear plink.  I stop, I listen.  Nothing.  Type, type, type...plink. Okay, I know I heard that.  I step into the hall and listen. Nothing.  Back to the keyboard, type, type, type...plink.  Arrgg!  What the hell is that?  Back into the hall and wait. Plink...plink...plink...  And then I see it. One drop of water hanging from the door frame of the closet.  Plink onto the floor where it is immediately soaked up by the carpet underlay which I've left in place after ripping out the carpets. Pull up the underlay and the plywood is soaked.  Examination of the cupboard reveals no other wet spots and the fresh paint is unmarred. Methinks the tricky drips must have found their way through a screw hole holding the door track in place.

This means a trip into the attic is in order.  Which requires removing my clothes to access the very small opening in the the ceiling of my bedroom closet.  And at 11:00 p.m. -- ain't happening.  That's what buckets are for.

It's not an old roof, I replaced it about 13 years ago.  And I need this on top of the renos that are now in full swing.  Can't a girl catch a break?  Guess it's better to find it now rather than after the new flooring goes in, but still.  I'm frustrated.  There's only one thing to be done.

Isn't that what chocolate chips are for?

Book Review:  I was leery about the February book selection for my book club.  It was an Oprah pick at one time and she and I are not usually on the same page when it comes to books.  So I was more than pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoying The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis.  Each chapter deals with one of Hattie's children and reads as its own story but they are beautifully connected to each other and to Hattie.  If I had to describe this book in one word I'd say, "Exquisite."

....and I guess I really should stop procrastinating now and get up into that attic.


  1. What is it with water this week? You too much, me not enough. I was running a bath Sunday night when suddenly, no water is coming from the tap. Just stopped...well, like someone turned off the tap. I knew the well wasn't what could it be? It turned out to be a very rare happenstance indeed. The pump was defective. Had to be pulled up...all 360 feet up. What about a warranty, you ask? Yes, there was a warranty...for 2 years...and this happened...2 1/2 years after installation. The good news, the company honoured the warranty, so we only have to pay the labour...yeah, the labour that we never would have incurred if the pump hadn't been defective in the first place. Oh well, it could always be worse...we could have to climb into the attic to check the roof.

    1. That sucks! But it begs the question -- did you console yourself with a bag of Smarties??

  2. Perhaps it is just my perverted little mind but the image of you removing your clothes to crawl naked into your attic persists... please tell me it was just your late night plinking...

    1. See, now this is why editors are so important, especially when one is writing with a headache! Of course it should have read "removing my clothes from the cupboard." I guess I could go back and edit the piece, but what's said is said. And just so you know you're the SECOND perverted little mind that picked up on that unfortunate word choice!
