Friday 14 March 2014

I've Got A Craving

And not of the ice cream and pickles variety...oh, that's too scary to even imagine.  No, I'm craving routine.  The simple motions that we go through every day that after a while have us yearning for something -- anything -- to be different.

After damn near six weeks of the reno I can almost (not quite, but almost) declare -- I AM DONE.  Sure, there's a little bit of painting left to do, some door trim, the banister.  But that can wait.  For a day in the probably not too distant future when I need a break from my boring old routine.  There were only two constants over the past six weeks:  my thrice weekly boot camps and the daily dog walks.  My Spanish lessons?  Back burner.  Gonna have to start over.  Writing?  Other back burner.  Coffee with friends?  I'll need to reintroduce myself to those folks.

But it was soooo worth it.  'Cause let's face it -- we (okay, I) spend way more time at home than I do, well, not at home.  For me, it's worth the money to have a place that makes me want to spend time there.  And the new 55" television that I just installed doesn't hurt either.  I watch a lot of movies and a lot of hockey.  So when I settled back into my new chair to watch my Leafs on it for the first time it really felt like I was sitting right there in the ACC.  I said to the kid, "I hope I never get used to how cool this is."

But know what kept running through my head while I pulled, ripped, painted, hammered and sorted?  While I tried to keep the dog and me exercised and fed, tried to help get the kid organized for her trip?  How nice it was going to be on the Camino with nothing to accomplish except putting one foot in front of the other and finding a place to eat and sleep.

Sounds like sheer bliss.

Book Reviews:  Oh, I know what you're going to say.  'Thought you didn't have time for anything routine?'  Yeah, well, I'm never not reading a book. Even if it's only a few pages in bed.  So I've got two for you...

Defending Jacob by William Landay was a good solid court based mystery. Basically told in flashback in the first person with the present interspersed as grand jury testimony made for an interesting thread throughout the narrative. Excellent ending with a nice twist that wasn't in your face "gotcha." 

The Spectacular Now by Tim Tharpe was a pretty decent YA novel.   Main character, Sutter Keely (love a cool name), is a modern day Holden Caulfield with a more upbeat attitude.  Loved the voice of this novel and while it didn't beat you over the head with its message, it managed to come through loud and clear.

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