Sunday 31 May 2015

You've Got Mail

Remember how exciting it used to be to get something in the mail, besides bills and flyers?  It doesn't matter how far technology advances, getting actual physical mail beats out anything electronic any day of the year.  It was a good week for me at the mailbox.

First up, a card (yes, a real physical card) from a friend containing two fantastically thoughtful gifts.  Number one was a metal luggage tag complete with photos commemorating my Camino.  The reason I can actually photograph the back and front at the same time is because I actually got two.  Fearing the first lost in the mail, the company she ordered it from reissued it and lo and behold, Canada Post came through with both.  Now I have one for my suitcase and one for my backpack.

Thoughtful gift number two was a bookmark.  To a book lover, nothing beats a cool, new bookmark (other than a book, of course.)  This one came all the way from the U. K. and lists 50 of the Best Horror Novels. It opens and has magnets on the inside so it can clip to your page.  The 50 books are listed front, inside, and back.  I've only read 10 on the list so apparently I have some reading to do.  Look for more horror entries into my Book Reviews.  I'll be sure to tag the ones from the list.

The second piece of mail came from The Giving Keys in Los Angeles, California courtesy of my kid down under.  Here's the background: The Giving Keys repurposes old keys into pendants (and other stuff).  You chose the word you want stamped on your key, words like Believe, or Create, or Hope.  Before she went away the kid got one for herself.  She chose the word Courage.  Now here's the deal, this is what it says on their card...Pay It Forward. When you get this key you must give it away at some point to a person you feel needs the message.  Then blog your story at:  We employ those who are transitioning out of homelessness.  It's win win all around.  Check them out.

The word my kid chose to put on the key she gave to me?  Strength.

Sometimes it takes a little time, a lot of distance, and a key to find out what your kid thinks of you.

Book Reviews:  Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher is a YA novel about a girl who commits suicide.  I didn't expect to have the reaction I did to this book and I'm not sure it was the one the author was after.  Before committing suicide a girl sends a set of cassette tapes to the first person on her list that she blamed for contributing to her decision.  Each person must then forward them on to the next person.  If they don't, she has entrusted a second set to someone to have them made public.  Hopefully I won't be giving too much away to say the reaction I had was anger -- at the girl who killed herself.  I would be very curious to find out how someone in the target age group responded to this novel.

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman was set just after the first world war at a lighthouse station on an island west of Australia.  This was our book club selection for May and I give it a ten out of ten and two thumbs up.  I had empathy for every single one of the characters even if I didn't agree with their actions or choices.  And for those of you (and you know who you are!) who like their books neatly wrapped up at the end, this one is delivered to you with a great big bow on it!

Not that I've ever watched it, but I would equate reading Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty to watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Wherever. But I have to admit, it was such a guilty pleasure.  Loved the characters. Loved the little snippets from the minor players that ended each chapter. The book did deal with some heavy themes -- rape, domestic abuse, infidelity -- but there was also an edge of humour in some of those previously mentioned snippets.  What can I say?  I liked it.  And oh yeah, it's a murder mystery.


  1. Seems you've got a REAL GOOD FRIEND there! Nice gifts from someone very thoughtful indeed! Ooops, almost broke my arm patting myself on the back there!!

    Read 2 of your 3 books already. Both a long time ago, but I do recall I enjoyed them both. Glad you liked them too...I guess our book tastes aren't THAT far apart. We'll know for sure on July know why!!

  2. Oh...LOVE the keys! Checked out the site and already thinking of who I would buy one for!! Great idea!
