Saturday, 4 July 2015

The Secret to Weight Loss Discovered!

I can't say I've tried them all, but I've suffered through enough weight loss plans to know they work in the short term, not the long.  I've done Atkins, the one with all the grapefruit aptly named the Grapefruit Diet, Bob Greene's Best Life Diet (the one that rocketed to fame thanks to Oprah), and Paul McKenna's I Can Make You Thin involving a daily self hypnosis session. They all worked to some degree before real life re-entered the picture.  I had my best success on Weight Watcher's and Body For Life.  But the problem with any plan is that it's just that -- a plan, with rules and points and measuring and menus.  You shouldn't have to constantly think about food when what you're trying to do is not think about food.

And so I'm about to reveal to you the true secret to weight loss, and it's not just calories in, calories out.  Although that helps too.  Right about now is where most sites would tease you with just enough information to get you totally interested and then -- WHAM!!  You have to pay a fee to buy the book or subscribe to the newsletter.  But not me.  Nope, I'm giving this away for FREE!!  Here it is.  Are you ready?

Buy new jeans.  Yup, it's just that simple.  Allow me to explain.  For months I've been tired of cramming myself into my jeans.  It's like trying to put ten pounds of sugar into a five pound sack.  And once on they produce what we all lovingly refer to as the "muffin top."  See, once again, food related.  Then God forbid when you have to wash the jeans and go through that whole stretching out process again.  So I finally got tired enough of the cramming and the muffin top and the fear of wash day and toodled off to my local Eddie Bauer where I buy all my jeans.  Only to find they had about four pairs on the shelf.  WTF?!  'Oh, it's summer, no one buys jeans in the summer.'  Say what?  Jeans are a year round staple.  Okay, I think, this is a sign.  I'm meant to loose the weight so as to be comfortable in my existing jeans.

Yeah, that didn't happen.

Then I was cruising through the Bay and just happened upon a few racks of jeans and figured, why not?  I'm feeling masochistic, I'll try a few.  Now jeans shopping is second only to bathing suit shopping on the stuff I hate shopping for list.  But it only took about six pairs before I found a pair that fit and felt sublime.  No muffin top, no stretched out thighs, no calf squeeze.  All buttery soft and comfy.  Was this the perfect pair of jeans?  Off to the check out I toodled only to find out they were ON SALE!!  Is there any better feeling than getting a sale price on something you were fully prepared to pay full price for?

I get the jeans home, actually wear them once, and then it happens.  I loose a couple of pounds.  Then a couple more.  And another and another and another.  With no signs of stopping.  Oh sure, the old jeans are somewhat more comfortable now but I want the new ones -- the ones that are now all loose in the waist and saggy in the butt.  Bloody good thing they were on sale.

So there you have it.  Toss those menu plans and quit counting calories. You'll never have to be force fed another grapefruit or bowl of cabbage soup again.  Just buy new jeans.  Results guaranteed or your money back -- on the advice, not the jeans.  And because every diet needs a catchy title...

The Denim Diet.  Tell your friends.


  1. Aahhh, so that's the problem...I should have been buying new jeans instead of living in fear of having to read Stephen King!! My bad!

  2. BTW...I went in the reverse order...bought the LRL jeans at the Bay, and when they "shrank", I moved on to Eddie Bauer Slightly Curvey!!

    1. Now you know my secret. And you should not be in fear of my Stephen King choice for you, I know you're gonna love it. As for the jeans choice, not only did EB inform me that they didn't have jeans in stock because it was the summer, they might not even be carrying them come fall. WTF??? I'm not prepared to find a new favourite jeans store...that's worse than breaking in a new doctor or hair dresser!

  3. I hear ya...I hate jean shopping even MORE than bathing suit shopping because I wear my jeans daily...bathing suit, as little as possible!!
