Wednesday 10 February 2016

Together Again

Me and Gregory...Gregory and me. Together again.  Two months from today we head out on our next adventure so we've been getting reacquainted over the past couple of days.  I loaded him up with some weights, nothing too heavy duty, we'll increase the load as we go along.  And nothing too strenuous for terrain, just some urban hikes so far.  A few hills, some mucky trails.  And it's through no fault of Gregory's that he's a major pain in my ass. Literally.

Seems my butt slide down the neighbour's stairs did more damage than I first thought.  When I wasn't totally immobilized the next day I figured I'd dodged a pretty high caliber bullet. Apparently not.  Coming up to two weeks later and I'm a hurtin' unit.  Not all the time.  Mostly bending over.  Or kneeling.  Or getting up from either of those positions.  Or doing anything that requires using my quads, like walking up hill. Today I added getting into and out of the car to the list.  Lying on the floor to do any kind of ab work? Fuhgeddaboudit. The pain when trying to roll up into a sit-up could not be any more excruciating.  Like a knife...with a twist at the end. I think I may have even screamed out loud.

And it's not like I can pinpoint where the pain is.  It just aches -- my lower back, my entire butt, the tops of my legs just below my butt.  I'm going with a bruised tailbone.  And no, I'm not going to the doctor to confirm or deny.  Remember the foot?  "It's tendinitis, doc."  "No, it's gout."  "Pretty sure it's tendinitis."  "No, it's gout."  "You sure?"  "No, it's tendinitis."  Besides, he'd just give me his usual advice -- if it hurts to do something, stop doing it.  Like walking?  Ain't gonna happen.

So Gregory and I are toughing it out.  Sure, it hurts where he sits on my lower back.  But I can deal.  And I figure I'm probably not doing any further damage. Probably.  Maybe.


Book Review:  For those of you who think I don't like many books without the name Stephen King on the spine, well...I do.  Here's one -- Time of Departure by Douglas Schofield.  Without giving too much away, it's a genre bending mystery that left me wanting to go back and reread it knowing everything I did at the end.  Well executed and a good fast read.  I look forward to Schofield's next book.


  1. Hey Greg, long time no see!! Now listen, buddy, don't you think it's time you started carrying your own weight!!! you need to be piggy backed everywhere you go? At your age? Come on...grow a pair, will you...of legs that is!!

    1. Greg says he's looking forward to meeting you and engaging in some witty repartee, but he says if you don't quit dissin him he's not gonna carry your crap on our Ireland road trips.
