Thursday 22 May 2014

It's All About the Beer

"He was a wise man who invented beer."
Plato, Greek Philosopher

I'm ticking right along with the Spanish lessons and I have to say I'm pretty damned impressed with this whole Pimsleur Language Program.  Each lesson builds on the one before, reinforcing the lesson before moving on and introducing new words and phrases.  It's not about grammar and conjugating verbs a la high school.  It's just about having a conversation in the real world. I do every lesson twice, just to get it really fixed in the old cranium.  And I don't do a lesson every day.  Sometimes there can be a week in between, during which I'm having Spanish conversations in my head.  Helps to keep me entertained on those long walks with the dog.

Now I don't know who this Pimsleur guy is but there's one thing I do know -- he sure must like his beer.  I'm at lesson 12 of 30 and after the initial pleasantries were dealt with it's been all about the beer.

How much is the beer?  I like beer.  Do you like beer?  I want beer.  I want to drink beer.  I can pay for the beer.  I can buy beer.  I can buy really cold beer.  If you don't like beer, why not?  Why don't you like beer?  Let's go drink some beer.  I can drink beer in a hotel.  I can drink beer in a restaurant.  Sometimes I even order something to eat with my beer.  And now that I can count to fifteen and add 100 to any of those numbers, well there's no limit to how much beer I can order.

Thankfully, I've also learned to ask, "Where's the bathroom?" 



  1. Sounds more like you've got the "Pilsener Language Program"! Cerveza por favor!

    1. Haha...well played, Katrina, well played!!
