Wednesday 7 May 2014

Picture Perfect

"If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff."
Jim Richardson, Photographer

I love a good quote, don't you?  Those words you wish you'd said yourself, that somehow managed to capture those vague bits of thought rattling about in your brain.

Before I went to Italy last year I picked up a new camera knowing I would want something very small and compact for the Camino.  Phone pics don't cut it for me, just not crisp enough.  Not that I'm taking great photos or anything, just something to capture a memory or two.  But I do like my memories to be in focus.  I know just enough to know that it's not all about the number of pixels anymore.  Settled on the Nikon Coolpix -- seemed the best bang for the buck for size and optical zoom.  And of course being cognizant of the fact that, "Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer.  It makes you a Nikon owner." (Author Unknown)

Now the kid on the other hand needs an entire back pack to lug her gear about.  Tricky business getting on an airplane.  If she puts all her equipment in her camera backpack it weighs too much for carry on status.  She had to quickly learn the art of distribution between purse, pack and checked bag. Then it's cross your fingers and hope for the best.  With the best not being those luggage handlers caught throwing checked in cabin baggage down twenty feet into a bin.  Oh sorry, did you have breakables in there?

Seems all the trouble is worth it though.  I may be biased, no correction -- I know I'm biased -- but I think the kid got some pretty great shots whilst standing in front of interesting stuff in New Zealand.  In between final classes and assignments she's slowly posting her shots on her Facebook photography page.  She's allowing me to share a couple here, but I invite you to check out the others.  It's an open page so even if you're not on Facebook you can take a look. (

Apparently owning a Nikon does make some people a photographer.

Book Review:  As a wannabe novelist (just for the record I have written one novel that remains sadly unpublished) sometimes I read books with not so much the story in mind, but the craft and the writing itself.  I found myself doing that with Always Watching, the third novel by Chevy Stevens.  Just what is it about her writing that elevates her books to best seller status?  I've read all three of her books and I'll be damned if I can figure it out.  They are interesting reads to me because she lives here on Vancouver Island and sets her stories in places I know.  This one deals with a psychiatrist battling her own childhood demons, lost memories triggered by a patient in her care.  Do I recommend it?  I gotta tell ya, I'm on the fence with this one.  But give it a read, let me know what you think.


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