Wednesday 14 May 2014

My New Best Friend

His name is Gregory.  We've known each other for about a year now, been out together a few times.  Nothing serious, just casual.  But lately we've started spending more time together, getting to know each other.  I don't want this to be an every day thing, not just yet.  I know it'll get there, but we're dealing with the growing pains right now.

'Cause I gotta admit -- sometimes Gregory is a total pain in the neck.  A bit clingy.  To the point I just want to walk away, leave him at the side of the road.  I know I could never do that.  He really does have a lot of good qualities though sometimes I think he's just a little too fussy.  But who knows? Maybe I'll come to love those things about him.  I won't really know until we've spent some more time together.

And you know, the last time we went out he wasn't so bad.  He started off doing his usual thing, wound so tight and wanting to be close.  I finally had to tell him -- Look, loosen up or this just isn't going to work out.  And he listened...surprisingly.  We ended up having such a good time.  It was like we finally figured out how to be comfortable together.  That's a good thing.

'Cause we're in this for the long haul.

Book Review:  Reconstructing Amelia is a very well crafted mystery told from the points of view of a mother and her teenage daughter intermixed with texts, Facebook entries and blog postings.  Sometimes I have to put the cop part of me aside and try to overlook some of the stuff that is just not right.  Like handwriting analysis on a single word.  Yikes...doesn't work like that, folks.  But I know writers have to take these liberties to move the story forward.  Kimberly McCreight did a very nice job creating and taking the reader into the teenage mind and world.  All in all I enjoyed this book...except the epilogue.  The epilogue was lame.

What's that you say?  You want to see a picture of Gregory.  Okay, here he is. Good looking, isn't he?  Nice profile too.



  1. I'm glad you've found someone who will watch your back when your on the Camino! I worry about you being alone. Now you aren't. Greg...can I call him that or does he prefer the more formal...will be there looking over your shoulder. There will be days when he may get particularly "blue", but don't let him get you down. I'm sure he'll be a valuable companion over your six weeks.

    1. ROCK, girl! Love that you pick up where I leave off! And yeah, you can call him Greg. If he doesn't like it, he can just zip it.
