Friday 29 August 2014

Go Short Or Go Home

I have short hair.  Correction -- I HAD short hair.  Now I have really really really short hair.  The only time I've been shorter than this was during one of those head shave fund raisers for Cops for Cancer.  Went down to about a quarter inch all over.  And loved it.  Love love loved it.  Discovered that I have a good shaped head for the bald look.  With the exception of a huge scar on the back of my head that was the result of an ill thought out snowmobile misadventure.  Let me put it this way -- never ride sitting backwards on a snowmobile sans helmet whilst towing a toboggan across a frozen lake in the dark.  You don't realize you've hit an ice fishing hole until you've landed on your head.

So here is my new Camino "do."  The best parts of going this short?... time getting ready
...shorter showers
...bye-bye hat head
...when it's hot, I'm cool
...eliminates the wind blown look
...the feel of rain on my scalp

But the very best part?  All of my hair care products fit into the palm of my hand.  And that, my friends, is worth its weight in gold.

'Cause you know on this trip, it's all about the weight.

Book Review:  Odd that the next book I read following the tale of Maud with Alzheimer's in Elizabeth is Missing is about Ben with Alzheimer's in Stars Go Blue.  Both authors captured the frustration of the afflicted and their caregivers alike and both had well crafted stories beyond the disease.  I preferred the first, perhaps for no other reason than it was the first of the two.

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