Sunday 31 August 2014

This Is It Then

I've dodged a couple of bullets over the past week.  The first one was my back.  Woke up one morning with it aching all down one side.  For no apparent reason.  Because I was keeping a low profile, remember?  Not doing anything during which I could hurt myself.  It wasn't until several days later when I threatened my back with a visit to the chiropractor that it stopped hurting.  Bullet #1.

Same day as the aching back I was convinced I had blown the rotator cuff in my left arm.  Having blown the one in my right arm, I knew what it felt like. Aching, throbbing pain.  Unable to life it to the side without the help of my other arm.  Lying in bed at night and not knowing where to put it.  Out came the bag of frozen peas and the exercise bands.  A week later it feels right as rain.  Whew!  Bullet #2.

Bullet #3 I wasn't even aware I was dodging.  I've spent the past week not knowing if I'm excited, nervous, hungry or sick.  Queasy stomach, light headed, massive heat waves -- not hot me, I know the difference.  Figured it was just nerves setting in.  But the thought of getting on a plane feeling like that was less than appealing.  Today, the day before lift-off, I feel fine.  Had it been nerves, I think today would be the worst.  So now I'm thinking I had a little touch of something which has miraculously disappeared.  Whew!

Final bullet -- the wart.  While I don't think the freezing has killed it, at least it doesn't hurt anymore.  Well not more than it did before the freezing anyway.

And so I'm ready to go.  Oh I'm not packed just yet, but hey, how long does it take to stuff a T-shirt and an extra pair of socks and underwear into a backpack.  The house is clean, the beds are changed, the towels are freshly laundered.  I've figured out why I clean before I travel -- burns off energy but doesn't require fine motor skills.  No way would I have been able to cut glass this week.

In reality my Camino starts with my first step out my door.  But before I take that first "official step" in France I will have traveled by car, boat, plane and train.  I've got Steven Martin and John Candy beat by one.  People ask why I'm doing this "pilgrimage."  I understand it's a major topic of conversation on the Camino itself.  Definitely not for religious reasons.  I think my standard answer will be, "Ask me when I'm done."  Because I don't really know why, other than I feel drawn to it.  I'm leaving behind reading material and my IPod because I want to be present and "in the moment."  So I'm just going to let the universe be my guide and "enlighten" me as to my purpose.

Maybe in the end it will just be a nice long walk.