Tuesday 10 May 2016

Back On The Bus

Time for another Paddywagon bus tour!  Because one twelve hour bus tour just isn't enough.

First stop -- the Dark Hedges.  Known to Game of Thrones fans as the King's Road in season 2.  Few people went there until GoT sites became the thing to do in Ireland.  Now call me picky, call me fussy, call me a bitch, but I really think there should be a rule on these bus trips.  And that rule is this -- when you go somewhere that is really just a photo op, no one should be allowed to go wandering into said photo op until everyone has had time to take a pic without a whole damn bus full of people in it.  Your "oh so cute" selfie can bloody wait.  Okay, that's it.  Rant over.

Next up -- the Carrick-A-Rede rope bridge.  It's about 65 feet across, over 100 feet high (give or take on either) and basically you pay to walk over and then walk back because there is zip to do on the other side.  But you do it because it's there and there really are some cool views.  And as our tour driver said, "It's not the heights you should be afraid of, it's the falling."  Good point.

And then it was the main attraction -- the Giant's Causeway.  And it was stinking hot there.  Yes, here in Ireland.  Stinking hot.  Wicked neat place to see, especially from above.  Of course there is quite a bit of climbing involved to get to see it from above.  Did I mention the part about it being stinking hot?

One more quickie stop on the way home -- officially Dunluce Castle, but home to the Greyjoys on Game of Thrones.  Before GoT it was free to go inside the ruins.  Now you have to pay.  Can you say rip-off?  We did a photo op at the side of the road.

At the end of the day nothing takes the edge off a bus weary body like a couple of pints and a little Irish music.  And the pub in our hotel is one of the finest in the area.

That it's stumbling distance to our room is an added bonus. 


  1. It looks amazing there, just like something out of a fairytale! It's a shame you couldn't have a look around the castle but I really enjoyed these photos.

    1. Thank you -- my first trip to Ireland, definitely won't be my last!
