Wednesday 4 May 2016

Pucker Up And Say Goodbye

We've had a pretty action packed schedule here in London, mostly things we booked and paid for well ahead of time.  So it's been kind of like a "free" holiday ever since we arrived.  Now it may seem like that's playing it pretty rigid for a "holiday" but most of the things we've done, we wouldn't have been able to get tickets for without booking in advance.  So when we found ourselves with an open day, it was a no-brainer -- the Rolling Stones Exhibitionism display at the Saatchi Gallery.  If you find yourself in London from now until September 4, do yourself a favour and make the time.  Even if you're not a Stones fan.  One of, if not THE best exhibit I've ever attended. Especially liked the clothes.  There was a pair of pants on display worn by Keith Richards that I would kill to own.  Would I fit them?  (, rolling on the floor laughing) Not in this lifetime, but a girl can dream.  Sadly -- just like every place we've been except Harry -- no photography or you'd be seeing those pants.  You'll just have to settle for the tongue...

We capped off the London leg of our UK adventures at The Chambers of Flavour.  Now I really wish I could tell you about this "dining experience" but I've taken an oath and been sworn to secrecy.  As a Gingerlines alumni I take my oath seriously.  All I can really tell you is that you enter "the machine" which transports you into worlds unknown to eat, drink, and be merry in the most incredible interactive dining experience EVER.  Again, no pics allowed, except for these in the bar area.  Intrigued?  Google Gingerlines.  And if you're ever in London...

Final stop -- the Tower of London for the Ceremony of the Keys.  Tickets are free online, if you get them early enough.  And you get to witness a ceremony that happens 24/7/365 at 10:00 p.m. for over 700 years.  It's short but kinda cool, when you think how long it's been going on.  Nice to know the Crown Jewels are well protected.  Again, no photos.  So you'll have to settle for the Tower Bridge...

And that's it from London.  Next stop Liverpool.

You know what that means.


  1. And a good time was had by all! Good night Pad-ding-ton!

  2. Loved hearing about the Keith Richards pant! Good times!
