Saturday 26 July 2014

In The Buff

Have you ever found something and your second thought was, "How cool is this?!"  Preceded of course by your first thought, "Wish I'd invented it!"

That's how I feel about my buff.  It is simplicity personified.  For anyone not familiar with the buff it is a seamless tube of microfiber polyester.  That's it. But it is oh so versatile.  Worn around the neck it keeps you cool in the summer, warm in the winter.  Pull it up to protect your face from wind or dust. Pull it up over your head and it's a hood; then pull up the front and it's a balaclava.  A twist here, a pull there and you've got any variety of headwear. Or just a simple headband.

Of all the gear I've bought, my buff is my favourite.  I feel like Linus when I wear it around my neck -- it's my security blanket. And as all good outdoor wear should be it's moisture wicking, quick drying, breathable, wind resistant, stretchy and has active odour control that will last "the lifetime of the garment."  Hmmm...another lofty manufacturer's claim, just like the socks.  We'll see about that.

I chose my buff partly because it's so colourful.  And partly because in some of the books I've read about the Camino they refer to St. James (the apostle for whom the whole thing is named and whose bones are allegedly housed in the cathedral in Santiago...yeah, right) as Jimmy the Fish.  Don't ask me why.  I'm not current on my Bible stories.

But here's something really cool.  When I dug out the card that the buff came on from the store to test some of the headwear styles, this caught my eye -- Made in Spain.

Whaddya know?  I'll be returning my buff to its homeland.

Book Review:  Anyone who knows me or reads this blog must have figured out by now that Stephen King is my favourite author.  I would say that I'm his #1 fan, but that title forever conjures Annie Wilkes.  And just what does Mr Mercedes do for Steve's position in my author's rankings?  It solidifies it 100%.  (And hey, I've been reading Steve since Day 1 so I figure we must be on a first name basis by now.)  Mr Mercedes is a thriller -- there is no horror (other than the horror of humans doing what they do); there isn't a whiff of the supernatural.  He has written a cast of characters that I cared about deeply  -- especially Jerome...I loved Jerome.  And he crafted an ending that was sheer perfection.  I've heard (read?) that this is the first of a trilogy.  If so, bring on the next two.  If not, Mr Mercedes is perfect all on its own.  Five stars out of five and two thumbs up.  


  1. I love my buff-s as well...all three of two of them. I did spend an hour on the weekend looking for a third buff that I was certain I owned, but alas, just early onset of Alzhymers cause apparently I only own two. Mine were also made in Spain and came on a big cardboard card in the shape of a sheep's head displaying its versatility with a multitude of diagrams outlining different ways to wear it. Why did I choose the one's I chose, you ask? Nothing so deep and meaningful as you...I just liked the colours of the first one and the second one...well, I'm a HUGE Survivor fan...something akin to your love of Mr. King. (He and I have never been introduced, so we remain on formal terms!). I, too, will be packing my buff for my trip...however, the manufacturer's claim regarding odour control will not be tested quite as thoroughly and continually on my holiday! ;)

    1. Wonder why a sheep's head as they are not merino wool...mine was on a human head shaped card with the requisite diagrams, but I've yet to wear it as anything but around my neck. I'll be sure to snap a pic whenever I go outside that little comfort zone!
