Thursday 3 July 2014

Stylin' On The Camino

I didn't plan it, really I didn't.  But after I bought my Camino wear, it was pretty obvious that I am going to be one coordinated pilgrim -- and I'm not talking about my ability to put one foot in front of the other.  And given that I bought everything in various places at various times, it would seem the fashion gods had a little hand in it.

Started with my Vasque boots in gun metal grey...

...then came Gregory all decked out in a couple of shades of blue...

...followed by Arc'Teryx pants in "heron" and Marmot shorts in "dark steel" (but let's call a spade a spade -- they're blue"ish" and grey"ish)...

...and finally add a couple of grey Icebreaker T-shirts with orange highlights that just so happen to match perfectly with my ExOfficio shirt...

...hell, even my merino wool Icebreaker bra coordinates, you know, just in case a strap shows.

'Cause if I'm gonna be hot, dirty and exhausted on the Camino, I might as well look damn good doin' it.

Book Review:  Oh, this one started out with so much promise.  The Book of You is the story of a woman being stalked by a co-worker.  It is told in the form of journal entries that she keeps to build up evidence against him to take to police and in her writing she speaks to did this, you did that.  The journal entries are interspersed with a third person telling of her sitting on a jury for a rape case that hits a little too close to home.  As the story started to reach that all important climax I was expecting a twist that would really knock my socks off.  The psychological tension had been building so nicely there just had to be a big payoff.  Then WHAM!  Nothing. The most boring finale with an even more boring and lengthy wrap up.  Wow, talk about disappointed.


  1. No matter how tired you get, you'll get that extra little boost of energy just knowing how good you look. Just when you feel down and out, you'll hear that very deep manly voice in your head say " You look maaaaavelous"...and bam, good for another few miles!

    1. I like the way you think. But how did you know about the voices in my head?

  2. If it's a James Earl Jones like voice then it's just the spirit of Darth Vader invading your sub-conscious! Nothing to worry about...unless you start to her him and Luke bickering...then you've got problems!
