Sunday 20 July 2014

The Sum Of All Things

The moment of truth has arrived.  

With just six weeks to go until I leave for my Camino it's time to find out if all of this... 

...will fit into this...minus the bed, of course.

Ready. Set. Go...


                            ...this = this...gotta love compression sacks...

...warm down jacket stuffs into its own pocket...

               mesh hat folds into pretty much any shape you want...

                         ...and...TA DA!!!  It all fits with room to spare.

But time for the million dollar question -- how much does it weigh?  First let's put this in perspective.  The weighted pack I've been lugging around for the past couple of months currently weighs 24.8 lbs.  My fully loaded Camino pack?  14.4 pounds.  I put it on and it felt like nothing back there.  Oh what a difference 10 lbs makes.  Maybe I should consider packing the bed after all.



  1. LOVE the jacket and hat...and can't believe that sleeping bag roles up so small! Wow, good packing job girl! Could I get you to drop over and pack my suitcase for my next trip??

    1. There's no hope for that closet on wheels you travel with.
