Friday 11 July 2014

Ladies...You Should Totally Get This

Every pilgrim needs to take something with them -- screw the extra weight -- to make themselves feel semi-civilized.  A pair of socks they only put on in the evening, after the day's walking is done...a little pot of face cream...a pair of sandals...whatever.  Something, anything, to feel human again.  So I'm taking a dress.

Yup, a dress.  This is what the ladies will totally get.  Nothing feels cooler, lighter, more free than slipping into a loose dress after a nice cool shower at the end of the day when your only change of clothes is drying on the line. There's nothing to pinch around the middle.  No fabric getting caught in the crack of...anything.

And as I've been planning this trip for going on two years now, there's been plenty of time to select just the right one.  The key word in that last sentence is one.  Because here's the thing -- the longer you have to plan something, the more stuff you buy "for the camino" before finding something better.  I've got two pairs of pants in my closet that are not going on the camino, despite my promising them they could. It's not good having two pairs of pissed off pants...but I digress.

So last summer whilst browsing in my favourite local non-chain store (Walk the Coast, if I haven't mentioned that at least once before) I spotted the perfect dress. Black and white stripes, light, non-wrinkle...perfect.  Until I hit the WTC sidewalk sale in the fall.  And found a pink splotchy thing, lighter than air...perfect.  Until I went in this summer and spotted a little red number on a mannequin that just screamed, "Camino!"  Not only was it categorized as outdoor wear complete with spandex and moisture wicking properties, but who wouldn't want a talking dress?  Perfect.

Then I got to thinking...hmmm...I'm going in September /'ll probably be hot at the beginning, maybe cooler or even cold as the end...the pink splotchy dress will probably be too light and too summery looking...ditto for the red one...the black and white one...hmmm...I dunno, I'm having second thoughts...

So I hauled the old Royal Robbins black T-shirt dress out of the back of the cupboard.  It's so comfy, like wearing suits any orange shirt can go over top when it's cooler...the warm coat I'm taking is black...perfect.  It's settled -- I'm taking the black dress.

Unless I take the red one...

Book Review:  There's probably a few of you thinking that I don't much like most of the books I read.  Yeah, I can be a little critical, a little nit-picky.  But here's one that I won't nit or pick at all and that I give a five star, two thumbs up rating to -- The Three by Sarah Lotz.  It's a book written within a book, very cleverly done as an investigative report complete with interviews, blog entries, and e-mail exchanges.  Four planes crash at the same time on the same day.  Three children survive three of the crashes.  A woman on one of the planes lives long enough to send out a garbled, cryptic message on her phone.  Enter the conspiracy theorists and religious zealots.  For those of you who like their stories tied up with a bow at the end, you're not going to get that here.  But you will get an ending that leaves you thinking long after you put the book aside, and maybe, just maybe a few of the hairs on the back of your neck will stand up and say..."Whoa!"  From me, that's the ultimate compliment.


  1. I must say, I really like the red one...but. Two buts really. First but, knowing the colour coordination of all your other Camino clothes, either the black and white stripe or solid black is going to coordinate more easily with the rest of your clothes. Can't have you sitting around in the evening, possibly socializing, and representing Canada in unmatched clothes. We don't want to read on social media somewhere, posted from the Camino that "those Canadians are really nice and friendly, but can't coordinate wardrobes for shit!". My second but is this, a talking dress would surely provide companionship AND can you beat that! As long as "Robbin" and " Greg" don't argue like a couple of spoiled which case you'll have wished you brought one of the non-talking dress options. Although from everything I've read, I recall Greg is the "strong, silent type". Decisions, decisions! And, you've still got a few more weeks to find another dress you like...perhaps one that's a stand-up comedian in it's off hours. Then you could be entertained while you walk! ;)

    BTW...thanks for the book review...I know the warning you added was for my benefit! Guess I won't be reading it. You KNOW how I like the nice bow at the end!

    1. Maybe I should just take you for the entertainment factor!!

      As to the book -- aren't you just a little intrigued to read a book that I finally gave a good review to? C'mon...forget about the bow...I'd be curious to hear your take on this one.

  2. I will add your book to my list and request it from the library...and we'll see if I like it to.

    As for accompanying you on your walk...only in spirit, my friend...only in spirit! But if you get yourself an IPad for the trip, I can entertain you through email and FB! How ARE you going to blog will away? Have you sorted that very important issue out???
