Thursday 9 January 2014

Boot Camp

One of the keys to my success on the Camino is going to be what kind of shape I'm in when I get there.  Now I work out on a regular basis but I have to admit, I'm carrying a couple of extra ell bee's at the moment (as long as a couple is translated as oh, let's just say a couple more than ten.)  Blame Christmas, blame all that fantastico food and drink that was consumed on my November trip to Italy.  But really the blame clearly belongs to one person and one person only -- that guy who invented chocolate.  I'd like a word, please.  Oh, and the guy who invented beer.  We need to talk.

But eight months is a good long time to do something about it and I'm raring to go.  First up -- Boot Camp.  I'm in a group of 22 and starting on January 13th for 25 sessions we'll be put through our paces by an ex-member of the British military.  Did this last year as well and it was awesome.

Next up -- I'm giving up running.  For this year at least.  Now for someone who loves to run (if love is translated as kind of likes it), this one will be hard. But the knees are starting to complain a little afterwards and I've had some pretty serious foot issues from overdoing it.  Don't want to risk screwing myself up before I go.  Plantar fasciitis is not something I want to experience ever again, especially on an 800 km walk.  So running out; hiking, power walking, endurance walking, incline walking in.

Or to put it another way....

More of this.....



and less of this.................................

............and this.........

.....well, you get the picture.

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