Wednesday 1 January 2014

The Green Jar

Sometime late in 2011 while walking with my dogs, I just happened to be looking down into the ditch where I noticed a large green glass orb nestled in the weeds.  Climbing down and pushing the weeds aside I realized it was a glass jar but figured the other side of it would be smashed.  When I pulled it out it was in one piece, filthy but intact.

I figured it had likely been pinched off someone's front porch somewhere and the perps had ditched it when walking down the road with it suddenly didn't seem like such a great idea.  'Cause it's pretty big -- about 27 inches high and over 4.5 feet around the belly narrowing to a 2 inch opening.

Working on the principle of "finder keepers" I pushed it deeper into the weeds and hustled home to get my car.  'Cause walking down the road with it didn't seem like such a great idea.  I got the jar home, cleaned it up and set about figuring out what to do with it.  No way was it going on the front porch. I mean, someone might steal it.

I decided that I would use it to save money to do something special for myself on my 60th birthday, just over six years away at the time.  Maybe a trip to the spa...a birthday bash...a little trip somewhere.  So every Sunday I emptied my spare change into the jar realizing that it was going to take forever just for the coins to cover the bottom.  Then in 2012 a series of things happened that changed my life.

And the direction the jar was destined to take.


  1. Looks like a meth cooking jar...but that could just be an observation influenced by my viewing of Breaking Bad.

    Like the new format, looking forward to the year of green!

    1. No meth cooking here....don't need a clan lab team breaking down my door.

  2. That is a nice jar. Does it have a flat base? If it is roundish on the bottom you have likely found a demijohn used for wine making. It's meant to be in a basket of sorts like a chianti bottle.

    1. The base is flat. I did see some of these when I was in Italy and also in an antique store one time. Definitely for making or storing wine.

  3. Can hardly wait to hear the rest of the story surrounding your Green Jar..(that 90% thing you know)... Great Blog..
