Monday 13 January 2014

These Boots Are Made For Walking

The most important item on any walk has to be whatever you chose to wear on your feet.  If you're cold, you can add layers; too hot, shed a few.  But if your feet hurt, blister, or otherwise give out the walk is going to be one miserable experience -- if you keep going that is.

So in May 2013 I bought my boots.  I wanted plenty of time to test drive those puppies and break them in.  I didn't try on a ton of boots -- you'll know as soon as you try them on if a pair is calling your name.  And these Vasque boots in a men's size 9.5 were clearly calling mine.  (Apparently, they don't make anything in women's to fit my dainty size 11's.)

Surprisingly lightweight, these boots are waterproof and breathable.  And the first time I wore them I got a hot spot on the back of my right ankle.  The next time, a full blown blister.  DAMN!  But I have horribly blister prone feet so this wasn't totally unexpected.  I crushed the backs down and softened them up a bit and they've been fine ever since.  So fine in fact that I often wear them when my back is sore as they seem to ease the pain.  If I had to get rid of every item of footwear in my closet and keep only one, I'd keep these boots.

They wouldn't do much when paired with a dress, but hey, at least I'd be comfortable.

Book Review:  I've decided to review the books that I post here on my reading list, so as not to appear to recommend something that didn't really do it for me.  And these are just my opinions, folks...feel free to disagree or put me in my place.

I'm always leery of reading mainstream fiction that has won some kind of literary award.  So it was with some trepidation that I began The Purchase by Linda Spalding, winner of the 2012 Governor General's Award, and the January selection for my book club.  But it had great potential -- set in the early 1800's, the story of an uprooted Quaker family living in Virginia dealing with the issues of slavery.  I found it to be a plodding dull read, peopled by unsympathetic characters.  The interesting occurrences that did arise were emotionally flat and usually followed by a jump forward in time.  The ending? I turned the page expecting more.  


  1. Boy! you are a tough critic...don't you dare review my book.

    1. Perhaps I was a little harsh. Perhaps I should have softened my words. And I may well be in the minority in my opinion on this one. I'll be curious as to the thoughts of my book club members when we meet to discuss it. I'll let you know.

    2. The words used by my book club members to describe this book included "boring", "dull", "plodding", "blehh", "ho-hum" and "snoozefest" (that one was mine). Only two people actually liked I wasn't being overly critical. Just so ya know....
