Monday 6 January 2014

On Bucket Lists

Ever since 2007 when Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman got together on screen to cross off items on their "wanna-do-it-before-I-die" lists before they kicked their proverbial buckets, it seems we all have to have one.  A Bucket List that is.  'Cause let's face it:  Wanna-Do-It-Before-I-Die List has no ring to it and would have made a lousy title for a movie.

Now don't get me wrong -- I'm all for setting goals and for setting out to accomplish them.  But it seems to me Bucket Lists have lost their intention. Nothing should go on a bucket list that you don't really really really Really REALLY want to do.

There should be three simple rules for these lists.  The really really really really really want to do it part. That's number one.  It's something you can actually do.  That's number two.  And number three -- sometime in your lifetime you will actually have enough money to do this.

Let's apply this theory to two items that could potentially be on my personal bucket list...

I want to marry Johnny Depp.  Rule One -- do I really really really really really want to do this?  Yes, I do.  So far so good.  Rule Two -- is it something I can actually do?  Hmmm...probably not.  I mean, it's not totally out of the realm of reality but it's floating pretty damn close to it.  So I don't even have to go on to Rule Three.  I have to eliminate that item off my Bucket List.  Sigh...

Next on the list -- I want to walk the Camino de Santiago.  Rule One -- Answer:  YES.  I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want to do this.  Rule Two -- Answer:  YES.  I can actually do it.  Rule Three -- Answer: YES.  I will have the money.  So Camino goes on my Bucket List.

See what I mean?  So I challenge you to examine your own Bucket List.  If you really want to swim with sharks, climb Mount Everest, eat live snakes with a lost jungle tribe, fly to the moon AND rules two and three apply, then go for it.  But don't put stuff on the list 'cause it sounds cool.

Just keep it real.



  1. What about those of us who can't find ONE THING "bucket list worthy"...cause, call me crazy...but "lose 30 lbs and fit into size 8 again" is neither exciting, nor fun...but I really, really, really, really, really want to do it, it is achievable and I can afford to do it. It just lacks on the pizzazz factor. Help! I need remedial bucket list training!

  2. See there's the thing...I say it's better to have nothing on the bucket list than a bunch of made up crap. When something "bucket list worthy" speaks to you, trust me, you'll know it. (Doesn't mean you still shouldn't strive for that size 8 goal.)
