Thursday 30 January 2014

Get 'Er Done

Those of you who followed my last blog know that I don't always adhere strictly to the topic at hand.  Sometimes I go off on little mini I'm about to here.  And the reason I have to is because I'm feeling pretty pumped right now.

Last spring I met with my "reno dudes" to discuss replacing all of my horrible carpeting with flooring.  We settled on cork (my nod to the environment) and picked the colour.  Now my reno dudes are busy guys.  I told them, "No hurry, put me on your list."  'Cause first I had to paint the entire upstairs level of the house.  I'm not a big fan of painting so I told them they'd need to give me two weeks notice before they showed up, knowing full well it would be months before I made it to the top of their list.

Then we were into the heat of the summer.  No way was I painting in the summer.  Plus I was going to have to hire somebody to paint the front entrance hall which requires scaffolding to reach the top.  And maybe he could change the lightbulbs in the ceiling fan that have been burned out for years but I have no way to reach them.  Oh, and perhaps he could pass a duster while he's up there.

Then there was the matter of the television.  I had the same TV for over twenty years before I invested in a large flat screen -- oh, about a year before the really thin ones came down to the same price that I paid for this behemoth that takes up a fair chunk of my living room.  It takes two very strong men to move this thing, of which I am neither.  So, just how was I going to get it out of my house to a) paint behind it, and b) get it to the recycling centre?

So I hemmed and hawed, thought, "screw the painting" and went to Italy instead.

But today!  Oh, today I had a massive surge of...whatever the opposite of procrastination is.  I bought paint.  I bought hole filler.  I arranged for a guy to paint the entrance...and dust...and replace the lightbulbs.  I bought lightbulbs!  I hired an electrician to come in and update all the light switches and pot lights.  I hired two very strong men to cart the TV to the recycling.  I called my reno dudes.  And they're coming tomorrow to finalize the details.

To what do I owe this new "get 'er done" attitude?  Boot camp.  Yup, that's right.

I've got endorphins pinging and firing all over the place.

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