Saturday 30 April 2016

A Little Ditty About Jack And Dian(a)

A day of extremes -- from the glitz of Kensington Palace to the scuz of the east side.  From the Royals to the Ripper.  Dresses to daggers.  Gardens to garbage.  

After a morning stroll in glorious sunshine through Hyde Park and the surrounding neighbourhood, we stopped in at Kensington Palace for a little look see and to take in the Fashion Rules exhibit featuring dresses worn by the Queen, Princess Margaret, and Princess Diana.  I wouldn't have given most of them closet space.  The best of the lot were worn by Margaret in the 1950's.  She of the 18 inch waist -- damn, that woman was skinny.  I'd settle for an 18 inch leg.

After a wander around the gardens it was a hop, skip, and a jump to Da Mario's reported to be Diana's favourite pizza place.  Coincidence they have a Pizza Diana? I think not.  Peppers, artichokes, black olives, mushrooms, feta, mozzarella, and some other cheese whose name escapes me -- sign me up. On a thin perfection.

In the evening we headed to the east side for a Jack the Ripper tour.  With Rippervision, which was pretty much as expected -- a hand held device to project pictures on any available surface.  Excellent tour, excellent gal who led it, only slightly disappointed that more of the original architecture from the period didn't exist.  However, the added bonus of seeing the real street used as Diagon Alley (yes, that's Harry Potter) more than made up for it.  There was also Christ Church (featured in the Ripper movie From Hell) and The Ten Bells, a pub where Mary Kelly and perhaps the other victims were known to frequent.

A great day all around.

Except I still don't know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.

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