Monday 18 April 2016

How Much Do You Like Cheese?

Would you risk life and limb for it?  Some  apparently would.  This is Cooper's Hill...

Doesn't look like much from the bottom.  But from the top I'd be hard pressed to walk down it.  And yet every year there are those willing to run down it chasing a whole round of cheese.  The prize for catching the cheese?  The cheese.  Yup, that's it.  Oh, fame for sure, but definitely no fortune.  Unless you really really REALLY like cheese.

I like cheese, but not that much.

It was a glorious day of walking from Birdlip (yeah, that's a place) to Kings Stanley.  Nothing but sun, sun, and more sun.  Less muck.  YAY!  As a muck connoisseur, it could best be described as sandy muck.  Much less oozing. The majority of the day was spent on paths wending their way through wooded groves of beech trees carpeted with leaves and blue bells.

The rest of the day we were rewarded with stunning views from atop the ridges where we climbed.

This was our view during our lunch stop.  Doesn't get much more idyllic than that.

Interesting side note -- as we walked across yet another golf course, we fell in with a dog walker.  The golfers have to yield to the walkers and the golf courses have to close at noon on Sunday.

No wonder so many Brits headed off to the colonies.

Beer du Jour - Hussar Pale Ale and Pedigree Classic Burton Bitter.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see the weather and temps are improving...that bodes well for my arrival in 9 days...yup...single digits now!!!
