Tuesday 12 April 2016

Beer And Borrowers

Welcome to the picturesque town of Leighton Buzzard, some 70 kms northwest of London, home to my hosts, Camino alumni and future Cotswolds walking partners, P&A.  It is beyond lovely being picked up at the airport and whisked away from the hustle and bustle.  Jet lag doesn't stand a chance after a good cup of tea and stroll into town for a Scotch egg and beer.  

A hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat, breaded, deep fryed and served with mustard relish and a pickled onion.  With a pint of a fine Cotswold beer.  I think I could get hooked on these things.  And of course, atmosphere is key. What wouldn't taste good here?

And to add to the delight of the day, how cool is this -- the home of Mary Norton, author of The Borrowers.  I loved her books as a kid and shared them with my kid when she was growing up.  As did everyone who read the books I'm sure, we had Borrowers living under our floors too.  Her home is now a school, but I wonder what lurks beneath the floorboards?

One last interesting note, on the outskirts of Leighton Buzzard is the railway bridge where The Great Train Robbery took place in 1963.  I just love seeing a place that conjures images of an event so indelibly imprinted on our collective memories.

Not bad for the first half day.


  1. Replies
    1. Dee-lish!! What part of the eggs to you object to?

    2. The egg part! Not a fan...although the deep fried part sounds appealing!!

  2. Looks like a great start to another wonderful travel adventure. Can't wait to read about your travels.
