Wednesday 13 April 2016


The English weather is proving to be much like home -- if you don't like it, wait five minutes and it will change.  Yesterday (yes, I'm already a day behind in my posting) we ran the gamut from clear, damp and chilly to showers (sometimes heavy) to beautiful clear blue sunny skies.  

When the skies broke late afternoon, we decided to pop round to the Duke of Bedford's for a spot of tea.  Apparently he wasn't receiving guests and we were left bemoaning the fact that we hadn't packed our rifles to bag ourselves some supper.

Instead, we were forced to opt for a pint at The Old Ale House in Woburn.  I'm attempting to become schooled in the many craft beers available in the local pubs and so I will be including a daily feature here called "Beer du Jour".  On occasion there may be more than one...if 'on occasion' translates to 'every day.'  It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

We then headed home for a sumptuous salmon dinner and to put the finishing touches on our packs and suitcases in preparation for the start of our walk. Happy to report the No Jet Lag pills have proven successful once again and I've suffered no ill effects from the 9+ hour flight and the 8 hour time difference.

Beer du Jour -- Triple Goat IPA.


  1. Glad you are getting familiar with the whole "local" philosophy. Our "local" in Dublin with be Darkey Kelley's!! And good news on the No-Jet-Lag pills. Should I start popping them now?? Too soon??

    1. Ackkk! No! One on take off, one on landing, and every two hours in between.

  2. Absolutely fascinating. What a trip!
