Monday 18 April 2016

An Uppy Downy Day

The Cotswold Way has been described as "a bit uppy downy."  The walk from Kings Stanley to Wotton-under-Edge (don't ya just love the English names for places?) was a little more uppy than downy.  But it's damn near impossible to capture elevation in a photo so you'll just have to take my word for it -- we were sucking wind.  Three heart attacks on six legs.  Every now and then you got some steps to help...if you could lift your leg that high.

At the top of one rather lung busting climb, we had our historical lesson for the day -- the Tyndale Monument, built to commemorate William Tyndale, the dude who translated the bible into English in the early 1500's.  It was built at this site as it is reportedly near his birthplace of North Nibley (and yet another awesome name!)  And what did Bill get for his time and trouble in doing the translation?  Charged with heresy and sentenced to be burned at the stake. Except they didn't just burn him, they strangled him first and then burned his body.  Not quite sure which would be the worst way to go.

After the monument the final two miles into Wotton were quite flat and easy walking.  And guess what?  We barely saw any muck all day!  And the clouds cleared every now and then for a few peaks of sun and there was no rain.  And none forecast for the final two days of our walk.  It's a Cotswold miracle!

We are staying in Wotton at the Swan Hotel, a 17th century coaching inn.  One thing I'm loving about these quintessential English towns are the hotel and bar signs.  This one is right outside my bedroom window...  

There isn't a straight line in the place. Doors aren't square and the floors are slanted and spongey...sure hope they don't pick tonight to give it up and I wake up in the morning with my bed downstairs in the pub.

Then again, that might not be a bad thing after all.

Beer du Jour - Tasted three today but can't remember which one I settled on. Butcombe Pale Ale was one of them and it was very good.

1 comment:

  1. With 2 days left, and after all that climbing's all downhill from here!!!!
